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Informative Articles from Geisinger

Spot the signs of a heart attack — up to a month before it happens
Can UV lights at the nail salon raise your skin cancer risk?
7 self care ideas to recharge your body and mind
Need a social media break? Here’s how (and why) to unplug
Boost your happy hormones the natural way
How do over-the-counter pain relievers work?
Cold vs flu vs COVID vs allergies: How to spot the difference
Exploring your options for breast reconstruction following a mastectomy
6 ways to care for your mental health after a cancer diagnosis
Sprains, strains, breaks and fractures: How to tell them apart
Should you tell your doctor about every drug and supplement?
What to know about irregular periods
4 things to know about changing insulin costs
8 tips for yard work safety
How to tell if a mole is cancerous
12 tips for a better bedtime routine
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What are the different types of strokes?
What does it mean to be lactose intolerant?
Ouch! What’s that pain in my side?
7 little-known stroke symptoms in women
Constipated? Here's what to do about it
Deciphering the fine print on your prescription labels
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What’s causing that fluttering in your chest?
What are the symptoms of HIV?
What to do about droopy eyelids?
When to take your child for their first dental visit
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6 signs you have sleep apnea
How to bounce back after a bug
7 things you should know about SSRIs
How to stop waking up with a headache
The power of positive affirmations
What happens if you don’t brush your teeth
Is sparkling water bad for you?
Managing Asthma Flares
How to reduce anxiety at your OB-GYN appointment
Managing medications during pregnancy
Why annual health screenings are important
Screening for colorectal cancer: What are the options?
What does your urine color mean?
Hospice vs. palliative care: What’s the difference?
Do I have a deviated septum?
Avoiding caregiver burnout
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Seniors: Keep your mind sharp with these brain boosters
Are weight loss medications right for you?
How much water should you drink per day?
Know the signs of a hernia
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Running a marathon? Preparation is key!
Your guide to over the counter joint pain relief
Urgent care, primary care, and emergency care: What’s the difference?
Eye twitching? Why it happens and how to stop it
How to meditate: 8 tips for beginners
What is commotio cordis?
What to know about varicose veins
9 effects of stress on your body
5 signs your loved one has an alcohol addiction
You don’t have to live with chronic pain – or opioids
How alcohol affects the quality of your sleep
What’s a standard drink?
How to safely dispose of opioids
Know the symptoms of RSV
OCD: What it is, and what it isn’t
Losing hair? It could be androgenetic alopecia.
4 easy-to-learn exercises for seniors
How to get rid of dry skin: 6 tips from a dermatologist
What’s your tongue trying to tell you?
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
What is psoriasis?
Can weighted blankets help with anxiety?
Can stress cause high blood pressure?
Keep your gut happy with good bacteria
Know where to go for everyday ailments
Finding resources to stay healthy
What hiccups are — and whether to worry
4 reasons to get your flu shot
The science behind the flu shot
How to have a diabetes-friendly Thanksgiving
6 Heart Symptoms you shouldn’t ignore
Six Thanksgiving dinner food swaps that save 942 calories
8 Yoga poses to relieve back pain
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6 foods to boost your immune system this cold and flu season
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5 myths about this year’s flu season
Can I take antibiotics to treat the flu?
Which cold and flu remedies work?
Finding resources to stay healthy
Should you take Tamiflu when you get the flu?
When a headache is more than just pain
7 Questions to ask before surgery
Acupuncture: Can it help relieve pain?
Sudden Cardiac Arrest can have warning signs
What to know about Salmonella
Healthy foods and drinks to hydrate you this summer
Why core strength is better than six-pack abs
Keep heat stroke away this summer
The benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet
Do you need stitches?
What is pandemic foot and how you can avoid it
Back to school: How to keep kids healthy
Do you need a lung cancer screening?
Play Sports? Here’s what you need to know about concussions
Nature’s superhero: The benefits of vitamin C
How much exercise do you need?
When to be concerned about forgetfulness
What’s causing your hand and wrist pain?
Three sources of unexplained bad breath
Pump up the Protein
Get outside and get moving
Nonsurgical options for knee pain
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Timeline To 65: Preparing for Medicare
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Yes, thin people can get type 2 diabetes
How to remove a tick
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Rattlesnake bite: What to do if it happens to you
What’s a standard drink
How to find the right treatment for seasonal allergies
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Are sleep disorders keeping your child – and family up at night?
How to protect your child who can't get the COVID vaccine yet
Bullying in school and beyond a guide for parents and caregivers
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