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Informative Articles from Highmark

​​​​Boletín Plan De Salud Noviembre 2024
2024 Plan for Health Newsletter Calendar - My Highmark (Screen Version)
Learn more about types and symptoms of depression and how to help someone with depression. -
Mental Health
Get mental health services, resources and information for your wellness journey. -
Know what the anxiety warning signs are and seek help. -
Substance Use Disorder
Learn more about substance use disorders, the warning signs and how to help. -
Mental Health for Children and Adolescents
Get information about symptoms, treatment options, questions to ask and how to help. -
Mental Health Resources
National and local community resources for mental health.
​​​​​Highmark Feb Digital Display 1080x810
Our social media presences are designed to promote two-way communication with our members and partners. We are dedicated to providing information on health and wellness, community events, and our organization while listening and responding to the voices of our followers:
Highmark has a mobile messaging tool that lets you text back and forth with wellness coaches,
nurses, pharmacists, and more. It’s simplifying the way you receive health care. With secure text
messaging, our team can cover all the same topics with you that they currently do by telephone.
We’re not replacing phone calls with texting. We’re simply giving you another option to take charge
of your health care.
We recommend utilizing google chrome as web browser when downloading the brain shark video below. Thank you.
EFFECTIVE 01/01/22: * Members can access Well360 Virtual Health via well360virtualhealth.com, single sign on from the member portal or by downloading the Well360 Virtual Health App. * Telemedicine Vendors - AmWell replaced Doctor On Demand as the telemedicine vendor. Please click here for further information.
The link below is published in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) Transparency in Coverage Rule, requiring publication of machine-readable files. The files are being hosted by our medical benefit administrator, and can be accessed at the link included below. Highmark groups: mrfdata.hmhs.com